
논문명 Suggesting Floor Plan and Compositions of Military Barracks Rooms Through Individual Living Function Analysis - Focusing on the Satisfaction Level Survey of the Army, Navy, and Air Force/KIID
저자명 Sung, Lee Yong ; Yi, Sang Ho
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
페이지 시작페이지(62) 총페이지(12)
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 military barracks ; space composition criteria ; satisfaction level ; questionnaire survey
요약2 The objective of this study was to establish space composition criteria for military barracks among military facilities. The military barracks rooms are the place where soldiers spend most of their time. Thus, a new type of space in military barracks is required to improve the quality of life of the soldiers and make the military more advanced for national defense. The research method was to derive problems through a survey of the previous literature and case studies and to select target places in the Army, Navy, and Air Force based on the derived problems. An improvement scheme was proposed by developing criteria for military barracks spaces through a questionnaire survey. The following results were obtained: first, the criterion for national defense or military facilities should be changed from nine persons to a room to ten persons to a room; second, the satisfaction level for the physical and environmental conditions in the military barracks was good; third, in the case of the military barracks, furnishings should be provided for each room so that living functions can be realized since each room is an unit for cohabitation.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회