
논문명 Development and Validation of "Architectural Furniture"/JASIS
저자명 Toshihiko Suzuki ; Kentaro Honma
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
페이지 시작페이지(203) 총페이지(6)
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 skeleton-infill ; flexibility ; mobility ; sustainability
요약2 Skeleton infill is a mechanism thatenables to alter room arrangements. There usually occurs such opportunities that require slight alteration and modification on the room arrangement, if not drastic one. For example, it is required to alter a room arrangement according to people's behavior and situation so as to provide a temporary bedroom space for visitors or a large space by clearing up a table in the living room. The infill system, however, can't cope promptly with such common changes. Therefore, in the "Research on Furniture Combining Architectural Functions ("Architectural Furniture") Vol. 1", an intermediate concept between infill and furniture has been defined as a solution to realize interior with high changeability on a daily basis and it is named as furniture with architectural function ("Architectural Furniture"). Following the "Research on furniture combining architectural function ("Architectural Furniture") Vol. 1", we report the result of the validation on Architectural Furniture adjusted to three basic behaviors,i.e sleeping, dining, and housekeeping. In addition, we try to clarify the role of Architectural Furniture in residential environment comparing these Architectural Furniture products with other interior elements having similar functions respectively.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회