
논문명 Ecological Applications of Natural Elements in Spatial Design/KIID
저자명 YounHee Rhee
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
페이지 시작페이지(91) 총페이지(11)
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 natural elements ; ecological concept ; organic relation ; psychological amenity
요약2 This study set out to suggest the various ways of applying ecological design with natural elements of spatial design responding to the ever increasing interest in the environment today. After reviewing the functions and effects of natural elements based on a theoretical background and consideration of them, the application techniques were identified and a group of cases were examined and analyzed to suggest application ideas. To be specific, the study began with the recognition of the importance and need of organic relations between artificial and natural environments and with ecolog-ical thought, moved onto the investigation into the many different aspects of the relations between nature and artificial space, and finally identified, structurally systematized and generalized the applica-tion techniques observed in the relations of natural elements with interior and exterior space by adopt-ing the principles and methods of space composition as the analytical framework. The significance of this study can be found in that it illuminated the nature of the relations between interior space and nat-ural environments and suggested that spatial design based on a clpse relation with nature has ecolog-ical possibilities for future design. This study followed a series of procedures including reviewing the naturalistic concepts, elements and principles, examining the concepts and principles of design where natural elements were applied, and proving the design ideas based on the potential connections between interior and exterior space by analyzing and investigating the cases in which natueal elements were applied.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회