
논문명 Environmental Autobiography as a Means of Understanding Memories of a Small-town Theater/Invited
저자명 April D. Allen
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
페이지 시작페이지(39) 총페이지(10)
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 environmental autobiography ; small-town ; theater ; community ; sense of place
요약2 Environmental autobiography, a method bringing out a person's conscious and unconscious affective ties to environments was used to discover meanings associated with a small-town theatre in a community in southwest Virginia. Participants were asked to draw a picture of the theatre that expressed feelings of their experience of the space. The emphasis of the picture was left to the dis-cretion of each participant. The drawings painted a montage of the theatre space and its meaning to cretion of each participant. The drawings painted a montage of the theatre space and its meaning to the townspeople. The theatre was seen as an integral part of the community and a reflection of its social norms and roles, and the interior space of the theatre contributed to the social atmosphere of the patrons' experiences. Preserving significant historic buildings that are icons within a small-town helps to link the past with the present creating a meaningful sense of place in the community.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회