
논문명 A Study on Blood Stagnation in Lower Extremity and Sitting Postures on An Aircraft Passenger Seat/JASIS
저자명 Toru Nagao ; Kohei Suzuki ; Hiroshi Otsuka ; Gen Matsuzaki ; Chizuko Akazawa
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
페이지 시작페이지(131) 총페이지(11)
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 Blood Flow ; Sitting Posture ;, Aircraft Seat
요약2 The so-called economy class syndrome attracts attention that leads pulmonary thromboembolism after a long trip on aircrafts, and fatal cases were reported. Researches on its causes, pathogenic processes and ways of coping have been conducted from various viewpoints. Medical researches have been going forward so far, but nothing has been discussed from the viewpoint of passenger seat design. This research, therefore, is to improve the seat that is thought to be a cause of the syndrome by picking up elements that cause blood stagnation in lower extremity, and by proposing a better sitting posture that increases the blood flow Through hearings with a seat manufacturer it was assumed that sitting on a narrow seat pitch economy seat restricts changing postures, and differences between a standard body size applied in designing the seats and real passengers'body sizes promote blood stagnation on lower extremity. To cope with this installing a footrest was thought out. Then an seat with a suggested posture for 20 minutes, was conducted. Physiological data such as changes of blood flow in lower extremity were collected as well as subjective evaluations for discomfort on the seat with three possible footrest heights that had been proposed in the early stage of this research and on the current seat. The results revealed that a footrest corresponding to each somatotype assisted them to keep a posture at an appropriate position in order to avoid blood stagnation. Therefore, it was concluded that the suggested seating posture with a footrest was thought to be a possible solution for the economy-class syndrome, or deep-vein thrombosis, even though there are issues to be cleared before it is brought into production.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회