
논문명 The Research on Spatial Adaptability of Residential Furniture/CIID
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
페이지 시작페이지(100) 총페이지(11)
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 Housing furniture ; Spatial adaptation ; Housing behaviors ; Aggregative apartment
요약2 Based on the transition of lifestyle and aggregative housing, the objective of this thesis is to discuss the spatial adaptability of housing furniture in aggregative housing, from an integrity angle of environment. The furniture design is used as an approach to solve the inadaptable problem between contemporary lifestyle and interior space of the aggregative housing, which were built after the establishment of China. The research focuses on the aggregative housing in Beijing. There are five distinctive periods in the development and the progress of merchandise housing: 1945∼1957, 1958∼1965, 1966∼1978, 1979∼1989, 1990∼1995. These distinctive periods are analyzed from 3 aspects- lifestyle at that time, interior space of aggregative housing, and furniture forms. Meanwhile in each of the 5 aggregative housing types in-depth survey was conducted, concerning the living situation, the housing behavior and the necessities. The method of questionnaires and interviews were used to find out the inadaptability between the lifestyle and the space. Thought the analysis of the various housing behavior, recommendations of housing-renovation and choice of furniture are hiven, which are suit for the contemporary lifestyles of residents. Meanwhile, the feasibility of remodeling is proven, using furniture design to solve the contradiction between contemporary lifestyle and aggregative housing built in 1949 to 1995.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회