
논문명 Brief Discussion on Design Technique for Internal Space Renovation of Historic Architectural Heritage/CIID
저자명 Ding Jinun ; Tang Zhiguo ; Yang Liehui
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
페이지 시작페이지(77) 총페이지(5)
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 historic architectural heritage ; internal spaces ; renovation design
요약2 In introduces the contradiction between internal space renovation of historic architectural heritage and course of urbanization which is quickened evidently worldwide. It discusses the common methods of internal space renovation design arise from the change of use functions of architecture and increase of spaces, analyzes how to optimize and rearrange the internal space of historic architecture by enriching and replacing the internal spaces, thus benefits its safe use and close relation with the social economic culture and protects the historic cultural atmosphere in architectural heritage.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회