
논문명 A Study on Physically Supporting Chair
저자명 Toru Nagao ; Tomohiro Takizawa ; Hiroshi Otsuka ; Gen Matsuzaki ; Chizuko Akazawa
페이지 시작페이지(187) 총페이지(12)
ISSN 15983811
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 elderly people ; physically supporting chair ; sitting movement
요약1 It is said that Japan will become an aging society in which one out of every 3.5 of the population is elderly people in 2014, and various readiness is required. In this research the purpose is to propose a more suitable product for the elderly people, concretely a physically supporting chair that is closely connected to their life, comprehending their physical and psychological aspects, and living environments. Having examined standards and official information, and surveyed movements of standing up, eating meals and so on, the followings were listed up as remarks: Supporting with the seat surface should be as much as to help keeping balance of sitting movement, and the chair should not be an obstacle for standing up by hitting the back of knees. Then, a mechanism of two-piece seat surface and dimensions of the chair were temporarily defined, and an experimental instrument was built for measuring myopotential and having subjective evaluations. In doing so, details were fixed. A styling design was proposed based on this specification. Finally, a prototype was built, and it was proved in a comparative study of movement analysis that the proposed chair was superior to existing ones.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회