
논문명 VMD기법을 적용한 토탈 인테리어 브랜드쇼룸 실내 공간 계획에 관한 연구/A Study on the Interior Space Planning of Total interior Brand Showroom Applied VMD Technique/3-학술발표1
저자명 이선화(Lee, Sun-Hwa) ; 강철희(Kang, Chul-Hee)
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
수록사항 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집  , 제21권 1호
페이지 시작페이지(148) 총페이지(6)
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 VMD ; 토탈 인테리어 ; 브랜드쇼룸 ; 실내공간 VMD ; Total Interior Design ; Brand Showroom ; Interior Space
요약2 Unlike the past, houses are not simply places to sleep and relax, but their values are changing, turning them into places that express and express their own tastes and styles. With this social trend, the self - furnishing enthusiasm and the quality of the residential environment are added to the culture, and the home furnishing and remodeling market shows a great growth rate each year. According to Korea Facility Safety Authority, the proportion of old houses over 30 years old will be over 30% in the mid 2020s. The Korea Institute of Construction Industry predicted that the interior remodeling market, which was 28 trillion won in 2016, will surpass 38 trillion won in 2020 and 49 trillion won in 2023. With the rapid growth of the home interior market, construction materials companies that are mainly dealing with single related items are introducing new brands as a total interior company dealing with home remodeling from home construction to furniture coordination. Establishing a differentiated strategy and brand identity from other companies is an important point in the competition, which is closely related to the VMD technique. VMD provides an exciting shopping mood for consumers with a product plan and store environment that is the basis of the store structure, thereby enhancing the image of the product and enhancing sales efficiency. The VMD technique is very effective to differentiate it from other brands. Therefore, this study aims to analyze and plan indoor space of showroom of total interior brand with VMD technique, and propose efficient and competitive interior space presentation of domestic total interior brand showroom later.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회