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The number of people living with companion animals has exceeded 10 million people due to factors such as an increase in the number of registered ones, aging, and low fertility. In a society where there is competition only due to rapid economic development, the companion animals that soothe the loneliness and gaze at me alone have become a relationship of a companion living with the world together, and the relationship is changed as a family member, Although it is a prestige of the making, and it carries out the cuteness of the family, the life cycle of the person is different, and it leaves the family and it makes a long trip first and it gives the family a sadness that can not bear it. The number of companions and companions is increasing and the pet market is also increasing, but studies on companion animal funerals are insignificant. In addition, there are more people who suffer from 'Pet loss syndrome' suffering from the death and separation of companion animals, but there is not enough room to properly separate and memorize with companion animals. Therefore, in this study, 'pet loss syndrome', we understand the suffering suffered by the militants and the sadness caused by the animal loss, and help them to heal the sad sufferers quickly, I would like to present the possibility of becoming a foundation. |