논문명 |
로버트 윌슨 이미지연극의 연출미학에 나타난 디자인 표현요소에 의한 복합공연장 공간계획에 관한 연구/A Study on the Space Plan of the Complex Performing Arts Center by the Design Expression Element Appearing in Directing Aesthetics of Robert Wilson's Image Theatre/3-학술발표1 |
저자명 |
조승후(Jo, Seoung-Hoo) ; 윤은경(Yun, Yean-Kyung) |
발행사 |
한국실내디자인학회 |
수록사항 |
한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집
제19권 2호
페이지 |
시작페이지(89) 총페이지(6)
주제분류 |
주제어 |
로버트 윌슨, 이미지연극, 연출미학, 디자인 표현요소, 복합공연장 Robert Wilson, Image Theatre, Directing Aesthetics, Design Expression Elements, Complex Performing Arts Center
요약2 |
As the society and economy developed and the life level heightened, the importance of individual values caused the cultural diversity and the lifestyle of busy modern people led to the demand for the space complexation. Accordingly, citizens and artists' various artistic desire increased and the theater also developed into the complex performing arts center. However, the existing theater had too poor space plan to accept the new complex program. Therefore, it is necessary to construct a complex performing arts center which can operate the new complex art program. Hereby, this study organized directing aesthetics of image theatre by Robert Wilson by 'dissolution', 'overlapping', 'fantasy', 'temporality', and 'tonicity', who removed the boundary of performing art and brought on revolution to the concept of art form in order to draw as the design expression element of the space. This study will apply it to the complex performing arts center where various art programs coexist, and the following space is suggested. A place of the new space program and complex art which was not expected in the existing complex performing arts center is made through the dissolution of space program. The spatial depth is formed by providing a new space for users through the overlapping of space. The space of connecting the fantasy from the city to the auditorium is provided by using the 'symbolic objet' and 'boundary-tarnishing light' for the entrance and facade. It lets users feel the temporality of the complex performing arts center away from the outside through the 'change of natural elements' coming in between the organic repetition of traffic line and the gap which connects the complex program to citizens who entered the space, then users can be engrossed in the inner space and inner world. The living complex performing arts center is made by giving the proper tension and vitality to citizens and creating the rhythm of space by means of the 'semi-gravity element' and the 'contrast of colors'. Therefore, the space should be planned in a better direction in this age by applying the design expression element of image theatre expression aesthetics by Robert Wilson to the complex performing arts center. |
소장처 |
한국실내디자인학회 |