요약2 |
Today, as the ratio of young person increases, the necessity of improvement of their poor housing environment has become bigger and share house is increasing as an alternative to solve this problem. Although the share house is a separate form of shared living space and individual living space, it is a space where many residents live together, and personal privacy may be violated. Therefore, this study investigates and analyzes privacy through share house analysis. The results of this study are as follows. First, as a result of analyzing the privacy control method, the visual privacy is higher than the auditory privacy in securing the privacy. Second, according to the analysis of securing privacy according to a type of share house, privacy is secured in order of multi-family residence> single residence type> apartment type. Third, the analysis of privacy control method on the visual aspect has shown that privacy is secured by using vertical border elements such as walls and pillars, and privacy is secured by using a control device. On the other hand, securing of privacy through form and arrangement of furniture is insufficient. Fourth, the analysis of privacy control method in the auditory aspect shows that the privacy of individual residents is best achieved when the shared space and the private space of the share house are vertically separated. On the other hand, it is not enough to secure auditory privacy through the control device. Therefore, it is necessary to allocate the residents to secure minimum personal space of the private room residents and to secure auditory privacy using the storage space and blinds that can be divided into spaces when necessary. We hope that the results of this analysis will be used as a basic reference material for the planning of the share house space for the young residents. |