요약2 |
As the interest in the community culture has increased, the social and policy interest for improving and revitalizing the environment surrounding the library has been greatly increased. Despite various efforts, the public use of the library is still low and library resources are not fully utilized. As the mode of learning spaces is changing depending on each major, despite the fact that spaces are required in accordance with the characterisitcs of each major, surveys according to the characteristics of each major and analyses of utilization behaviors have not been conducted. Most libraries have been so far deteriorating the learning atmosphere and immersion level by uniformly using thematic reference rooms. Therefore, more familiar, concentration-enhancing learning atmosphere and indoor spaces should be created according to types of majors and characteristics. For this, five out of locally representative libraries in 11 different sites in Korea have been randomly selected in this study, while dividing them into four majors, conducting and analyzing surveys for the satisfaction degree of certain spaces and favorite thematic reference rooms. The results of the surveys show that all majors have differences in preference in terms of arrangement of reference rooms, individual furniture and common furniture. This can be understood as a result of difference of learning materials according to each major, and there is a need to make plan by differentiating space arrangement method according to subject reference room for each major or major field within the reference room. I expect this research to be utilized as a basic data for planning learning environment regarding specific subject field in the future. |