
논문명 자연 친화 개념을 적용한 유치원 공간 계획에 관한 연구/A Study on Children House Decipher applying Nature-Oriented Concept/3-학술발표1
저자명 박형근(Park, Hyoung-Keun) ; 강철희(Kang, cheol-hee) ; 나장수(Na, Jang-Soo)
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
수록사항 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집  , 제19권 1호
페이지 시작페이지(83) 총페이지(6)
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 자연친화 ; 교육 ; 경험 Nature-Friendly ; Education ; Experience
요약2 As our standard of living is improving, a generation of children is beginning to pay attention to the natural environment. The interest and expectation toward children is becoming increasingly specialized and specific. It is known that the eco-friendly environment has positive effects on sensibility, intellectual ability, cognitive ability, emotions and expressive ability of children. In this study, it aimed to analyze eco-friendly expressive elements using direct, hybrid and indirect expressive methods, and examine how such features were expressed through case analysis based upon the facts. The space planning of kindergarten should also be changed in order to let even children recognize the value of nature and stay healthy because an eco-friendly space has positive effects on body, mind and sensibility. Further studies should be conducted to support the space planning of kindergarten applied with eco-friendly concept, which can be positively affected even in everyday life, not just a typical, ordinary kindergarten or forest kindergarten regarded as a temporary experience space.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회