요약2 |
In terms of art works, a work is installed by seeking the most suitable place in the inside or the outside of art gallery. Especially unlike a painting work, a formative work has three-dimension, thereby being considered a selection of a place more importantly. In case of the formative exhibition or the installation sculpture including media in recent days, a place along with a sculpture came to be made the work pattern in addition to being put in a place. In that process, the audience is formed as one element of a work with entering a place with the work pattern, and shows an active viewing behavior. As the place-ness of sculpture in minimalism is a method of deviating from self-completion and illusionism in sculpture that modernism has, it showed a form in which a sculpture brings a place to the inside of a work with recognizing a place. This was indicated as a behavior that escapes from a passive and static form among sculpture, place and audience. Hence, the work pattern in a place is considered to be on the connection line of the behavior in which the minimalism sculpture was made the work pattern with perceiving a place, getting out of static relationships in each. The aim is to illuminate a concept on the work pattern in a place focusing on each relational analysis of characteristic, sculpture, place and audience in the place-ness of the minimalism sculpture. |