
논문명 고령자를 위한 주택개조관련 선행연구 경향분석/A Analysis on the Previous Research Trend of Home Modification for the Elderly/3-학술발표1
저자명 박지선(Park, Ji-Seon) ; 장미선(Jang, Mil-Seon) ; 이연숙(Lee, yeun-Sook)
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
수록사항 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집  , 제18권 2호
페이지 시작페이지(100) 총페이지(4)
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 노인주택 ; 주택개조 ; 선행연구경향 ; 내용분석 Housing for the Elderly ; Home Modification ; Trend of Previous Research ; Content Analysis
요약2 Since the elderly population rate is increasing rapidly, the deteriorated and inadequate houses of the elderly people who are unable to make an independent living due to the deterioration of their health and financial difficulties have become a major problem. It is advisable to improve the residential environments of the elderly people for aging in place and various studies related to the remodeling of houses for the elderly people should be carried out more actively since the supports from the government by policy are necessary in future due to rapid increase in the elderly population. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to determine the tendency of precedent studies regarding the remodeling of houses for the elderly people published in domestic academic journals. The content analysis method was used as the method of study, and the analysis items were classified into the tendency of academic journal, purpose, target type, area, method and contents of study, and the contents and tendency for each item were determined. The result showed that many precedent studies were carried out merely at the level of investigating the previous residential conditions and determining the residential requirements. Therefore, more studies regarding the remodeling method of houses and other matters should be carried out additionally in the future in order to utilize the study results practically for remodeling of houses. It is expected that the result of this study can be utilized as the base data for diagnosing the status of precedent studies regarding the remodeling of houses for the elderly and for setting the direction of future study.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회