논문명 |
Aging-In-Place개념을 적용한 중국 스마트홈 개발에 관한 연구/Development of Smart Homes emphasizing the Concept of Aging-In-Place in China/3-학술발표1 |
저자명 |
전모모(Tian, Mao Mao) ; 조명은(Cho, Myung Eun) ; 김미정(Kim, Mi Jeong) |
발행사 |
한국실내디자인학회 |
수록사항 |
한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집
제18권 2호
페이지 |
시작페이지(63) 총페이지(4)
주제분류 |
주제어 |
재택양로 ; 중국 고령자 ; 스마트 홈 ; 건강지원 ; 주거서비스 Aging-In-Place ; Elder in China ; Smart Home ; Health Support ; Housing Service
요약2 |
China has faced various elderly problems relating to housing and health care services because many people in the Chinese society became over sixties. The previous studies show that the concept of Aging-In-Place has not been established in the housing market although the Chinese government presented 'a proposal of December 5' emphasizing the adoption of Aging-In-Place in the development of housing for the elderly in China. This research is to investigate the current states of the elderly housings and their demand on smart homes in China. In addition this research is to analyze carers' difficulties and desires in assisting the elderly as a supplementary data. The questionnaire survey was done with fifty old people and fifty carers such as families and friends in apartment complexes to identify their demands respectively on future housings, smart homes. The result show that most respondents do not want to leave their home and move into care facilities as they ages. That is, most of the elderly prefer the realization of Aging-In-Place to care homes, thus the development of smart homes enabling the elderly's autonomous living in their own housings should be desirable and encouraged. In conclusion, this research will propose a future direction on smart homes for the elderly in China. |
소장처 |
한국실내디자인학회 |