
논문명 신혼?육아가구 맞춤형 주택계획가이드라인의 사용자혜택 특성/User Benefit Characteristics of Customized Housing Design Guideline for Childcare Families/3-학술발표1
저자명 박재현(Park, Jaehyun) ; 이연숙(Lee, Yeunsook) ; 파스마리아빅토리아(Paz, Maria Victoria)
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
수록사항 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집  , 제18권 1호
페이지 시작페이지(134) 총페이지(4)
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 신혼육아가구 ; 맞춤형 ; 주택계획 ; 가이드라인 ; 사용자혜택기준 Childcare Family ; Customization ; Housing Design ; Guideline ; User Benefit Criteria (UBC)
요약2 Modern society is suffering from the phenomena of low-fertile, ultra-aging, and low-growth. On this social flow, most social classes undergo vulnerable situation and their overall housing and living condition have difficulties. So far many housing guidelines for diverse population were developed, recently, inclusive ‘customized housing design guideline for childcare families’ in terms of maintaining family and society has been completed. The purpose of this study is to analyze User Benefit Characteristics of ‘customized housing design guideline for childcare families’. The research subjects are essential 140 guidelines appropriated for development and care. The research method is contents analysis and the analysis criterion are 4 concepts of the User Benefit Criteria (Murtha & Lee)- ‘Behavioral Facilitation (BF)’, ‘Physiological Maintenance (PhM)’, ‘Perceptual Maintenance (PM)’, ‘Social Facilitation (SF)’. 3 people inter-raters reliability was established. Generally, the guidelines were rated in the order of PhM>PM>BF>SF and this characteristic is similar as general universal design guidelines. This show the supportability of spatial characteristics related to user’s special behaviors. The supportable characteristics of ‘customized housing design guideline for childcare families’ could be expected to efficient-appropriately apply for new housing development in the future.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회