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Due to the increase in life expectancy and medical care has changed in disease prevention, disease management center in the healing of interest in disease prevention and proactive management throughout the lifetime has been expanded. Anti-Aging pursuit of youth and beauty of the old generation, which will be rapidly spreading trend. That will change with age seeking to buy in addition to live healthily from a young and beautiful that simple longevity of the existing generation. And past generations by social and economic changes and changes in the ability to lead an active and progressive era of life with different personalities.Anti-aging industry, dermatology, cosmetics and beauty services including the middle class, is becoming the trend spread to the general public due to aging and anti-aging industry technology innovation will be rising in the future cumulative. Anti-aging industry is currently emerging generations to invest in health and youth on the basis of assets and stable lifestyle that spread up the appearance fiercely recognition that self-management skills and emphasis on sophistication and scale young and beautiful appearance. If you stick to the three existing needs for survival, relying only on food, clothing, shelter, and the current generation can pursue a better life than the value of the increase in economic, social, and psychological needs. Consumer spending on this anti-aging trend is increasing as the economy levels.In addition, the recent comfort, convenience, health is a move to try to heal the environment by introducing the industry to design a safe system construction has been actively conducted overseas. Its significance is the situation that is emerging in the country. And to incorporate the healing environment design that can be helpful in anti-aging center space design. |