요약2 |
Recently, our society is changing into information-knowledge society. Based on advanced information iechnology(IT), 'Smart Work' is spreading out to improve inefficient work environment. Smart work is the system that support to work at anyplace or any time. It is classified 'Mobile-Office', 'Telecommuting', Smart-Office' and 'Smart Work Center'. The purpose of this study is to find the spatial composition of Smart Work Center(SWC) in Korea. Main contents of this study are composed of the survey of the current situation of SWC and the spatial analysis of its composition. Targets for case study includes the SWC facilities of central and local government, public institutions and private sectors. The spatial analysis of its composition is consist of working(individual working zone, co-working zone, open working zone), meeting(conference room, seminar room), resting(resting zone, kitchen, lounge) and supporting space(reception desk, office automation). Based on the result of this study, the detailed floor plan of SWC is needed for making improved spatial environment. |