
논문명 전통적 요소를 반영한 커피전문점 매장의 공간마케팅 사례연구/스타벅스매장을 중심으로/A Case Study on Space Marketing of Brand Coffee Shops Reflecting Traditional Elements - Focus on Starbucks Coffee Shop -/3-학술발표1
저자명 정희영 ; 이현수
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
수록사항 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집  , 제16권 2호
페이지 시작페이지(152) 총페이지(5)
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 공간마케팅 ; 브랜드아이덴티티 ; 전통요소 ; Space Marketing ; Brand Identity ; Traditional Identity
요약2 For the last few years, brand coffee house shops show a rapid growth. Brand coffee house needs differentiation like using marketing strategies that not only provide the coffee commodity but also could generate customers' interests and experiences, and consequently, it becomes important to secure its brand identity. One of the ways to secure brand identity is space marketing. In case of Starbucks, brand coffee house, they are famous to show outstanding marketing and establish spatial marketing strategy well. Globally, they try space production which shows the identity of each country and they have differentiation from other brands by reflecting traditional Korean design elements. Commercial spaces reflecting traditional elements and cultural characteristics are very effective to create country's image and transfer the identity of the country. Through the cases of Starbucks which produce the identity of Korea, this study was conducted to identify their marketing strategies with SWOT analysis and how they showed Korean Identity by expressing traditional elements in each shop at modern space and how they appealed to the customers. Additionally, this study had an objective to identify Korean Identity which is expressed in commercial spaces by classifying the elements with the aspects of tradition and Korean Identity. Strategies were established that Starbucks should provide the sensitive space which could give the experiences and values of the country, and develop space design which could differentiate against competitors, and utilize as new space of experiences to the customers by emphasizing the scarcity instead of low accessibility. And, the conclusion has been reached that image of Starbucks should be maintained but color design elements should be partially compensated in the respect that Korean traditional colors were not used. Regarding the analysis about traditional design elements, there was most space production using original form reproducing method in metropolitan area shops and in cases of Gyeongju and Mungyeongsaejae shops, traditional Korean elements were used in the design with the original form modifying, reinterpretation and abstract techniques reflecting the historicity and regionality in those areas even though there were very few abstract design elements.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회