
논문명 도파민 호르몬 활성화를 통한 디자인 교육 공간 계획/Design Training Space Planning through Activation of Dopamine Hormone/3-학술발표1
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발행사 한국실내디자인학회
수록사항 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집  , 제16권 2호
페이지 시작페이지(119) 총페이지(4)
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 디자인 ; 교육 공간 ; 도파민 호르몬 ; 창의력 ; Design ; Education Space ; Dopamine Hormone ; Creativity
요약2 In any space in the future, or any thing, that the purchase of hard to draw consumers away from the product without design is good value. It is simply time to think through marketing and sales planning and sales performance will only draw the outline as well as designers of this era. Recent advances in writing only to the internal design of the Samsung mobile phone sales, while still boasting the world No. 1 and in the spotlight, I was born in 2007 to a typical example let's make your phone without Jobs, Apple's iPhone is bound to love and care , can be described as the reason that the customer receives the outer surface of such a design mothayeo not satisfied any more the design of appearance. Recent trends of the era can be said that industry, however, is not to be the driving force that dominated the industry in the future design dangyeonjisa As such the case of Apple and Samsung phones only, not. But much has yet to develop a force not to spill this design Korea. The first problem is most do not feel the need to design a whole society, a reality in raising these points is the social atmosphere of creativity in design education environment lacks many of the country. To look at the case of international design education space and looks at what point you need to learn the difference between domestic education space, are important elements of design to support it through the composition of induced creativity in design education space industry this study aims to provide a framework for the spatial planning of the design space, improve education and the future direction of the existing educational space again reminded to give.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회