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With an increase in the parents' needs for enjoying leisure and caring for their children at the same time, the number of Kids Cafe is increasing, which leads to the increase of safety accidents in Kids Cafe. However, most Kids Cafes are registered as a food service business or general restaurant and thus there are no safety regulations for children. Thus this study was conducted with an aim to review the current system and related laws and regulations, and suggest the improvements of the safety protection system for Kids Cafe and safety information so as to secure the safety of the children using Kids Cafe. The following research approaches have been taken: 1) analyzing the system, laws and regulations of Kids Cafe in Korea by means of literature research,; 2) organizing those systems, 3) analyzing the accident cases in Kids Cafe on the basis of the reports of various media press and of the Korea Consumer Agency in conjunction with the facilities in Kids Cafe; 4) suggesting the improvement plans and safety information for the safety protection in Kids Cafe. The results suggest that it is critical that Kids Cafe needs to be registered as the play facilities for children since it include paly facilities even though Kids Cafe, as a food service business, is under the control of "Food Sanitation Law". Furthermore it is critical to let them register themselves under the control of "Play Facility Safety Management Act" obligating Kids Cafe to manage the safety in conjunction with the maintenance and operation of play facilities, perform safety eduction and insure its business on the basis of the following grounds: 1) it is essential that the Ministry of Security and Public Administration clearly specify the authorities of the corresponding agencies and the level of their authorities so as to let them inspect Kids Cafes regarding permission and report, safety inspection, safety measures, and safety management, etc., since most Kids Cafes are registered as general restaurants, 2) it is essential that Kids Cafe prepare regular training programs for the management and operation of safe facilities; 3) it is essential to provide parents with the safety information of facilities in Kids Cafe. |