요약2 |
Recently, we spend most of time around indoor instead of outdoor, especially the elderly people. So the environment of indoor became very important for them. When we test environment quality of indoor, the temperature-humidity measurement is the basic factors. Because the decreasing physical function of elderly people, they are hardly to percept mimic change of temperature-humidity and easily ignore it in normal living. The purpose of this research is using temperature-humidity sensor connect with behavior pattern data to find out problem of temperature-humidity in bedroom where living elderly people. As the result, the temperature of the bedroom was stability at mean degree 25℃. This is suitable level for living. Most of time, however, the humidity of the bedroom, which mean degree is 24.1%RH, was not arrived at necessity level. It's urged to supply temperature-humidity monitor and controller connect with synthetical elderly people's living pattern. There have not tightly relationship between the bedrooms and the Meteorological Administration's publishing temperature-humidity degree. One suggestion is to use optical sensors. Optical humidity sensor is a color representation of the technology will be particularly helpful to the elderly. In addition, smart temperature and humidity controlled design are needed for the elderly and the disabled person. |