요약2 |
This study aims to find out the trends of previous studies in adaptive reuse of idle facilities through art and culture by analyzing previous studies. 50 preceeding papers were collected for investigation and analyzed them by year, by major field, by contents and by the target areas of the studies. As to the research method, the PASW Statistics 18 program was used to conduct a frequency analysis. The research results can be summarized as follows. 1) The numbers of the study for the adaptive reuse of idle facilities by using art and culture had increased from 2009. 2) Studies were conducted in various major fields such as architecture, culture planning and art management, interior design and urban planning and so on. 3) For the contents analysis, the studies focused on analyzing architectural methods in adaptive reuse of idle facilities, design suggestion for the culturally converted spaces and management strategies for activation of the facilities accounted for 70% of the entire previous studies. 4) For the target areas analysis, idle industrial facilities, in particular, factories and warehouses were the most common subjects of analysis. |