요약2 |
The purpose of this study is investigate the modern adaptation characteristics of tradition private house. For these purposes, we study theoretical background about tradition private house and analyzed the tradition space component of tradition private house. And we determine the criteria for classification through preceding research of tradition expression characteristics. The survey method is to investigate the selected restaurants visited in person, and the tradition space component and tradition expression method of indoor were recorded in detail, photographed and analyzed. The results of study is as follows. In tradition expression methods, compromise of tradition and contemporary was analyzed the most. (8 cases) And traditional reappearance method was the second most analyzed. But there was no reinterpretation of traditional method. In the case of traditional reappearance, all fmaterials and methods were followed as a tradition. In a compromise between the traditional and the modern method of traditional elements with modern materials were mixed. Traditional representation and analysis by each of the components in both traditional and modern methods of compromise were the most. However, the expression can be seen that a very superficial. The reasons is traditional houses still lack the understanding and research. So for the reinterpretation of the traditional houses do not have any standards. So this is very traditional folk expression is limited to the atmosphere. So ordinary residential houses representative of the type to be continued the tradition of traditional houses on the research and design study shall be conducted. |