
논문명 도시형 생활주택의 실내 계획에 관한 연구/1-2인 노인 가구를 중심으로/A Study on the Interior Plan of the Housing for Urban Lifestyle - Focus on 1 or 2 Person Elderly Household -/3-학술발표1
저자명 김나은 ; 이정욱
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
수록사항 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집  , 제15권 2호
페이지 시작페이지(74) 총페이지(4)
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 도시형 생활주택 ; 실내계획 ; 노인 주거 ; Urban Living Housing ; The Interior Plan ; Elder Housing
요약2 Housings for urban lifestyle have been supplied in response to 1 or 2 person households that are drastically increasing nowadays. However, uniform interior plan that did not take occupants into consideration generated many problems. Therefore, this paper aims to propose directions as basic data in the interior plan of the housing for urban lifestyle for 1 or 2 person elderly households that will be supplied in the future. The scope of this research included 1-2 person elderly households that resided in the center of urban area and the scale of housing was limited to between 36㎡-82㎡. As the methods of the research, housing for urban lifestyle and modern welfare housing for elderly were investigated through literature and information surveys, and the precedent studies on the elderly housing were also reviewed, leading to setting the elements to be considered. Based on these, cases were analyzed through three dimensional pictures of elderly welfare housings. The analysis indicated that personal and communal spaces were arranged separately in most of elderly welfare housings, and balconies were installed to ensure the sense of openness. It was shown that bedrooms and toilet were not arranged in close proximity in most of cases, and the simple treatment of moving lines were easily possible since the scale of housings were small. Barrier free was actively implemented in terms of the system such as the installation of alarm bells and safety bars. However, in terms of the life pattern of elderly, on the other hand, it was shown to be passive. In conclusion, the interior plan of the housing for urban lifestyle for 1 or 2 person elderly households must be conducted by actively considering the life pattern of the elderly, and their physical and mental characteristics. Moreover, the current plan should be much supplemented in terms of the system and the community
소장처 한국실내디자인학회