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A movie is a fictional world with boundless freedom about stories, materials, sounds, images, directing and characters based on reality. A movie can be variously directed through the compression of space and time in a narrative structure, and the meanings of space and time in a movie can be variously interpreted depending on a director's intention and message. Besides, images shown on the screen appear not as two-dimensional elements but as three-dimensional ones, helping us directly experience spatial elements inherent in them. The audience seeing space in a movie naturally come to doubt what intention the director has in producing space, while interpreting space from various points of view. Since space in a movie is interpreted not from a single point of view, but from various points of view, the audience may have different thoughts of space, or the characteristics of space may be different, depending on their tendency. Moreover, space in a movie works as a meaning of an interior element in the same context, while turning into a variety of dual space. Thus, based on the space this study aims to investigate the dual structure appearing in the space of Christopher Nolan's movies as well as his directing techniques and spatial characteristics. |