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Andree Putman is a French interior designer. Instead of majoring in interior design, she studied music in university and she slowly expanded her field of interests working as a journalist. In 1978, she established her own company (Ecart) and began her career as an interior designer along with product and furniture designs. She differentiated herself apart from other French designers by appealing modernism and her unique style of design. Influenced by her mentor, Marcel Duchmp, Putman believed in unpredictable, coincidental luxury. Duchamp ? who combined ordinary products with art, contended that there is a visual art within chronic ordinance. Having influenced by Duchmp’s thought, Putman pursued her design in openly and freely manner. She began her career as an interior designer in her mid-50s with the interior design at Morgans Hotel and expanded her work internationally beyond France, including US, Japan and Germany. When Putman designs the space, she uses several types of frames in order to expose pristine part of space without any distortion or alteration. She uses techniques of apposition, contrast and repetition while objects interior components including lighting, furniture, products and patterns to incorporate her unique sense of design into the given space. By doing so, she creates multiple language within the space, creating exuberant atmosphere. Putman’s characteristics in her interior expression techniques and objectifying interior components will be analyzed and compiled to derive her various forms of ‘luxury’ within the given space for interior design. |