논문명 |
신도시 공동주택에 나타난 무장애공간 계획개념 및 적용실태/세종시 첫마을 1단계, 2단계 단지 공용공간을 중심으로/The Planning Concept and Application Status of Barrier Free Space in New Town Apartment Houses - Focus on the Shared Spaces of Step 1, 2 Apartment Houses Complex in Sejong First-maeul -/3-학술발표1 |
저자명 |
송애희 ; 김미경 |
발행사 |
한국실내디자인학회 |
수록사항 |
한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집
제14권 2호
페이지 |
시작페이지(114) 총페이지(6)
주제분류 |
주제어 |
무장애공간 ; 공용공간 ; 접근성 ; 안전성 ; 식별성 ; 기능성 ; Barrier Free ; Shared Space ; Accessibility ; Safety ; Distinguishment ; Functionality
요약2 |
The purpose of this study is to analyze the planning concept and application status of barrier free space in the shared spaces of new town apartment houses. A document research method was used to understand the basic concept, specific planning concept, and the relevant laws and regulations of barrier free space. After observing the advanced research, the check-list is made accordance with the improvement law of facility and advanced research. Case studies were used to analyze the application status based on the planning concept of barrier free space in the shared spaces of apartment house by using the check-list. In conclusion, this study found that 'Safety' and 'Functionality' were primarily applied to the site plan, and 'Accessibility' and 'Functionality' were mainly applicable to the building plan. This study shows that these results will be utilized as guidelines for planning of apartment house plans applied the concept of barrier free space. |
소장처 |
한국실내디자인학회 |