논문명 |
미국 현대전통건축 교육체제로서 프랭크 로이드 라이트 스쿨사례 연구/탈리에신 교과 과정 및 교육체계 중심으로/A Case Study on Modern Historic Architecture Educational Institution : F.L. Wright School of Archietecture - Focus on the Curriculum and education system of Taliesin -/3-학술발표1 |
저자명 |
김서정 ; 장명희 ; 이연숙 |
발행사 |
한국실내디자인학회 |
수록사항 |
한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집
제14권 1호
페이지 |
시작페이지(47) 총페이지(4)
주제분류 |
주제어 |
현대전통건축 ; 전통건축교육체제 ; 프랭크 로이드 라이트 ; 라이트 스쿨 ; 모던건축계승 ; 탈리에신 ; Modern Historic Architecture ; Historic Architecture education system ; Frank Lloyd Wright ; Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture ; Modern Historic Architecture succession ; Taliesin
요약2 |
The globally certified education system is being magnified as an issue in the emerging paradigm of a rapidly changing social and architectural culture. At the same time, the traditional conservation skill is also emphasized. Each country contributes to preserve and inherit its own traditional heritages including architectures. The purpose of this research is to obtain some meaningful features from this education system model that attempted to change of the education. At this point, this case study shows what attempts has been done for succeeding traditions to the next generation, and how this will affect to the development of the future education system while preserving historical features. Frank Lloyd Wright School of Architecture is an unique model to identify the implication in the development of educational institution. The research methodology is literacy survey including web search, articles, interviews and various printed materials. As a result, the important features were extracted such as "Learn by Doing" philosophy from Frank Lloyd Wright with holistically connected education. |
소장처 |
한국실내디자인학회 |