
논문명 복합상업시설 길찾기(Wayfinding)에 영향을 미치는 물리적 환경요소 분석/영등포 타임스퀘어(Times Square)를 중심으로/Analysis of Physical Environment Factors That Affect Wayfinding in Commercial Complex - Focused on the Times Square in Yeongdeungpo -/2-학술발표
저자명 황지연 ; 신경주
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
수록사항 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집  , 제13권 2호
페이지 시작페이지(26) 총페이지(6)
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 복합상업시설 ; 길찾기 ; 물리적 환경요소 ; 타임스퀘어 ; Commercial Complex ; Wayfinding ; Physical Environment Factors ; Times Square
요약2 The Commercial Complex recently appears given that the more varieties we seek for in metropolitan culture, the more enormous commercial places became. As such a noticeable development of commercial place, we face the problem of finding the appropriate way to reach our destination and thus, the loss of time and economic loss could be occurred. With this regard, we point that the purpose of the subject research is figuring out the most effective way to be reached at our destination in the Commercial Complex and the preliminary database which would be helpful therefor. The Times Square located Yeongdeungpo in Seoul was chosen as the object of the subject research (specifically the commercial way, square and atrium of The Times Square) since this location has a broad space structured with the complexity as well as a number of the floating population. The methods of this analysis are making the categories to analyze and studying the physical environmental factors which have an effect on wayfinding based on Weisman G. D’s environmental variable of wayfinding. The results of this analysis are as followings: even if the open Atrium located in the middle of the subject complex which could be find visually with no difficulty to make people approach easily, there aren’t many modern and simple detailed spaces so that it is hard to meet the need of the floating population in connection with finding their own ways. In addition, the signs in the subject complex are not readable for the floating population making them confusing even with no consistency. Therefore, the improvement of remarkable building structure and readability of signs is being expected to the effective wayfinding in the Commercial Complex.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회