
논문명 헌혈 공간 실태분석을 통해 본, 헌혈자 방문율을 높이기 위한 공간 개선방안에 관한 연구/2005년 전후의 공간을 공간 마케팅적 접근방식에 근거하여/A Study on the Improvement of Space to Increase the Visit Rate through the Current Status Analysis of Blood Donation Space - Focusing on Space Marketing Method before and after 2005 -/3-학술발표(1)
저자명 최영호 ; 최상헌
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
수록사항 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집  , 제13권 1호
페이지 시작페이지(141) 총페이지(7)
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 헌혈의 집 ; 헌혈카페 ; 공간마케팅 ; 공간디자인 ; Blood Donation Houses ; Blood Donation Cafe ; Space Marketing ; Space Design
요약2 As the Korean medical technology has developed, demands of checkup and medical procedures due to increase of visit to Korea by foreigners and national income have gradually increased. On the other hand, any amount of blood depends on import because its supply is not smooth. Korean supply of blood has depended on group blood donation. But promotion of blood donation in spaces that medical facilities which is specialized in blood gathering like 'Blood Donation Houses' are properly prepared is urgent to receive blood of good quality because it is dangerous as there was no proper examination and it has been exposed ot diseases including AIDS. The existing blood donation houses has been monopolistically operated. But as blood donation cafe appeared early in 2000, it has entered the age that marketing should be integrated and space marketing became the means to induce visitors. For this reason, design to consider visitors was the biggest change-point unlike the past that space for blood donation was preferred as remodeling and new places have been established from 2005. Before 2005, blood donation space was forming an ever-greater part of the hospitals and it was the image which focused on function rather than design. On the other hand, after 2005, it has been changed to the space which regards space for consumers' convenience and comfortable atmosphere of cafe like rest space as important. This shows that the spacial atmosphere contributes to increase the visit rate. Realization of space marketing for visitors including proper space composition which reflects the local characteristics by each branch will very much contribute to the national blood donation projects by increasing the visiting rate of its space.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회