
논문명 성당건축에서의 유니버설디자인 도입을 위한 시도Ⅱ/공동공간 평가용 체크리스트 개발을 중심으로/The Attempt to Introduce Universal Design in Catholic ChurchⅡ - Focused on the Development of Evaluation Checklist in Common Space -/3-학술발표(1)
저자명 남경화 ; 신경주
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
수록사항 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집  , 제13권 1호
페이지 시작페이지(132) 총페이지(5)
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 성당건축 ; 유니버설디자인 ; 공동공간 ; 체크리스트 ; Catholic Church ; Universal Design ; Common Space ; Checklist
요약2 The space should equally be planned in a religion in which equal conditions are given to everyone without discrimination of sex, age, or disability. For all these conditions, believers have not actively taken full part in religious activities due to the standardized space planning. In addition, there has never been any guideline for planning by the equality of a space as domestic case studies published up to the present have been dealt only with essentials of the liturgy in each religion. In this circumstance, the study for introducing an universal design had already been presented by selecting a liturgical space, a core space of religious architecture. In succession, the study aiming to widen the scope of the application to the common space which connects the liturgical space will be conducted. The purpose of this study was to suggest data needed to prepare the foundation of developing a checklist useful to analyze the current status of the universal design in all spaces of religious buildings and to draw its improvements by integrating an universal design into one of a building, not to apply in part. This study developed a checklist of a universal design needed to evaluate a common space based on four universal design principles of Ronald L. Mace and domestic related laws in eight spaces drawn as a common space such as a teachers' room of a Sunday school, room for religious dogma, meeting, and prayer, hall, cafeteria, office, restroom, and passage. This study seems to be valuably used as a fundamental data which suggests the right direction in introducing an universal design in religious architecture in the future.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회