
논문명 과학계 박물관 체험영역의 전시공간 구성과 평가/국립과천과학관 기초과학관을 중심으로/A Study on the Evaluation and Analysis of Exhibition Spaces in Science Museum - Focus on the Exhibitions of Basic Sciences in Gwacheon National Science Museum -/2-학술발표
저자명 박찬우 ; 임채진 ; 박무호
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
수록사항 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집  , 제12권 2호
페이지 시작페이지(158) 총페이지(4)
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 과학관 ; 전시공간 ; 전시물의 흡입력 ; 지속력 ; Science Museum ; Exhibition Spaces ; Attraction Power ; Holding Power
요약2 The premise of this study is that an ultimate objective in planning an exhibition space is visitors' experiences created by a result of their first-hand experiences and responses within an exhibition space, and this result can be recognized in the visitors' movement. Thus, the exhibition layout that can directly affects viewers' main line of flow and movement patterns was examined vis--vis a mutually complementary relation in a triangular composition with the structure of exhibition space and the exhibition contents. The main indicators used are: 1. Attraction power: Indicates the relative incidence of people who have stopped in front of an object/exhibit during the exhibition tour. It is calculated by dividing the number of people who stop by the total number of people who have visited the museum or gallery. 2. Holding power: measures the average time spent in front of an information/communication element. It is calculated by dividing the average time of stay by the time “necessary” to read an element. 3. Sweep Rate Index (SRI): this index is calculated by dividing the total size of the exhibition in square meters by the average time spent by visitors within this exhibition area. It is used to calculate if visitors move slowly or quickly through the exhibition. 4. Diligent Visitor Index (DVI): this index is obtained by calculating the percentage of visitors who have stopped in front of more than half the elements that make up the exhibition. As the result of research and analysis as above, this research could induce conclusions as follows. That is, from the point of view of plan, zoning of space that divides the space for general contents of exhibition and the space for specialized contents for exhibition based on the speciality of the viewing areas may be suggested. Also, it is expected that logical bases for the issues of establishment of location of orientation function that will provide informations to visitors as to where to go and where they are located, identification of nature of exhibiting spaces, selection of appropriate space suitable to accomodate diversified functions and publicity etc will be prepared.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회