요약2 |
Every christians, regardless of their sex and disorder, has equal condition to attend holy ritual. Therefore the space for ritual should be developed for the christians' active and effective participation. However The space for ritual is standardized for healthy adult and thus, there is a contradiction preventing complete participation in ritual in spite of equal condition. In this regards, this study has a purpose of presenting basic data necessary for everyone space for ritual to everyone by applying universal design to religious architecture. Religious architecture is advanced by proper understanding on religion and then approach of architecture and design. in other words, ritual law takes precedence over building law. Therefore this study regarding ritual space for church building determines standard of ritual space based on 2nd Vatican public service committee including constitution, spiritual communion and declaration for the christian worldwide and authoritative legislation, a canon, enacted to rule church's original organization, reign and the lives of christian. After that, we develop universal design checklist to evaluate ritual space in church building by applying the list of ritual space to universal design principle. Final checklist is considered to be used appropriately as a base data to present correct direction in introduction of universal design for religious architecture. |