요약2 |
The 21st century is an intelligence information oriented society represented as the “Digital Age.” Recently a lot of changes have occurred due to the development of digital technology. One of the biggest changes of the Digital Age is the convergence of various fields of studies and industries. Specifically in the design field, convergence of art and technology has been happening actively in various aspects. There is an exhibition which represents the tendency in design, and it is “DECODE: DIGITAL DESIGN SENSATION” held at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, UK. The purpose of this research is to figure out the tendency of the works of Daan Roosegaarde who was invited to “DECODE.” Daan Roosegaarde is a Dutch designer with an educational base from both fine arts and architecture. To achieve the purpose, the research uses two methodologies, literature review and contents analysis. Literature review focuses on digital interaction design and design theory of Daan Roosegaarde, and contents analysis includes his 16 works. As a result of analysis, his works shows the tendency of the convergence of art and technology. His early works started from fine arts and gradually fused with technology. The research will be the preliminary data for further research 'A Case Study on Design Works of DECODE: DIGITAL DESIGN SENSATION' which will be proceeded later on. |