
논문명 인터랙션디자인으로 계획한 패션전문점 내 여성의류매장/Interactive designed shop Plan for Women's Wear in Fashion Specialty
저자명 권혜진 ; 신경주
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
수록사항 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집  , 제12권 1호
페이지 시작페이지(21) 총페이지(4)
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 인터랙션디자인 ; 패션전문점 ; 여성의류매장 ; Interaction design ; Fashion Specialty ; Women's Wear shop
요약2 Specialized fashion shopping centers started having their own differentiated features by being compared with home shopping and online companies in keen competition. Because of their merit in the side of price, as ‘+α’, specialized fashion shopping centers made a huge fashion town differing from Myeongdong, the entrance of Ewha Womans University and Apgujeongdong. Social demand for sale facilities by an increase in leisure and cultural activities has been expanded and, also in commercial space, changes are being demanded. With ‘FUN’ and ‘UNIQUE’ which are elements to attract young people, specialized fashion shopping centers such as ‘Shimo-Kitazawa’is being changed to a multicultural space where young generations can visit at all times. As you can see in changes of fashion distribution environment, examining consumers’changes in purchase environment, consumers after 2000 are polarized and have diverse desire for goods purchase by combining online with offline, reasonable consumption with emotional consumption and luxury with pragmatism. However, currently clothes stores of more than 90% within specialized fashion shopping centers still form their stores in a way of emphasizing only simple display. In modern society, consumption plays a role as a kind of symbol as well as of buying goods simple. Space has an effect on all senses including sight. Therefore, when space experience is completed, we are moved by space through synthesized images. By communicating with customers and inducing total experience from customers, formation of sympathy makes a foundation to be connected with customers’desire for purchase. Namely, stores making customers use physical elements the most easily and conveniently and satisfying customers with them when customers visit the stores will be chosen from customers by making goods stood out among stores selling similar goods. Kang Sung-Joong and Kwon Young-Geol argued that interaction design in space depended on, first, how much use and function of space had an effect on users efficiently, second, how much information required to customers’use of space was delivered to customers efficiently and, finally, not causing problems in use of physical elements forming space. Therefore, I will design two stores planned to be an interactionspace design to satisfy an increase in sale and facilitation of consumption in the side of sellers and emotion and shopping convenience in the side of consumers.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회