요약2 |
Along with the economic development of 21st century, airplane industry has gone through a significant development process as well. Since its inception of regular route in 1919 for the first time, ?airplane world? involving cabin interior, CI, brand marketing as well as a technical development has been recognised with a new point of view. In particular, design strategy for the cabin of the airplane companies is concentrated on the first class cabin interior so much as to mention that the number of seats of the first class should be increased by reducing the number of seats of the economy class and high satisfaction level of the passengers for the first class cabin space has been observed as well. It is expected that the passenger plane would be utilized by a lot of passengers as a fast transportation means owing to the tendency of globalization. This study is intended to suggest a first class cabin interior suitable for the domestic airplane companies by analyzing the cabin space of the past and the present of the passenger plane and identifying the merits and demerits of the cabin design of each airplane companies. |