요약2 |
The purpose of this study is to categorize the attributes as a valuation basis for the Urban Entertainment Centers and suggest the order of priority of them when new U.E.C.s is under consideration. The literature review based on the previous studies, and statistical analysis about questionnaires obtained from 123 users of four U.E.C.s in Seoul were conducted for this study. The results are summarized as follows: First, ‘facility’, ‘physical environment’, ‘impulse equipment’, ‘safety and service’, ‘impulse play’, ‘amenity’ were extracted as the attributes for evaluation of U.E.C.s. They are valid and reliable factors because they have 58.595% of total variance, and cronbach's α over 0.6. Second, the mean of importance about the each attribute shows the factor that is considered at first when new U.E.C. will be planned from now on. The order of priority is ‘safety and service’, ‘facility’, ‘amenity’, ‘physical environment’, ‘impulse equipment’, and ‘impulse play’. |