요약2 |
Since 1970s, as Korea’s performing art centers have been developed significantly, the number of performing art centers have been built at the mean time of active researches. By successful consequences of those researches, performing production technologies and facilities of stages are improved dramatically. It consequences considerable outcomes which are remarkable advance of performing production techniques and standard of performing itself. At the early period of public performing, people were not able to appeal dynamic production technologies because of limitation of advanced performing facilities, but since considerable improvement of performing technologies, nowadays people can produce more diverse stages. However, the facilities which were built in 1970s, they became falling behind as time goes by. They can not produce public performing correspond rapid change of generation anymore and finally face to limitation of production expressions. In addition, they were generally built by demands of society in 1970s where as performing art centers are supposed to be built by organized consultation of experts from the beginning. This problem refers to priority of supply policy which is recognized by people who believe the necessary of performing art center in 1970s. But the problems were predictable since those facilities were established without any professional researches |