
논문명 자연과 교우하는 주거공간 계획/Plan of Nature-friendly Residential Space
저자명 김봉순
발행사 한국실내디자인학회
수록사항 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집  , 제 10권 1호
페이지 시작페이지(32) 총페이지(4)
주제분류 계획및설계
주제어 자연과 교우 ; 웰빙주택 ; Nature-friendly ; Single House ; Wellbeing House
요약2 If human beings could make friends with nature, it would be a truly wellbeing. This project has selected the design concept under the supposition that human beings and the nature become friends. This residential house, which is consisted of one ground floor and two underground floors, is confronting the mountains that surround the residential complex. Residents can enjoy viewing the mountains from the living room. The garden is created by using this given environment in maximum. The walls are made up with rocks, and a small pond is formed with water from the mountain, presenting another attractive sight. Through the connection rather than the break between mountain and garden, living room and garden, and again garden and mountain, the dialogue with nature was attempted. The water of the pond in the garden flows down along the walls and creates another water space at the gate area of the house. Passing through the entrance, there are a living room, a kitchen, a bedroom for spouses, a common bathroom, and a library on the ground floor. On the second floor, there are two rooms, a bathroom, and a mini living room. The platform of living room on the 1st floor is lowered to produce the comfortable living room with the hearth. From the view of living room, the garden with full feeling of nature can give a good emotional rest for modern people who want the mental relaxation. The marble stones are used as its material to present rich texture and sophisticated image presentation. The hearth in the living room is harmonized with high-tech electronic home appliances and surrounding accessories. On the kitchen, the high-glossy materials are used to express the external appearance neatly and the depository function is more improved for housewives.
소장처 한국실내디자인학회