요약2 |
The rise of the machine culture in the last 20th century has rapidly changed the world into a high-tech civilized society, but at the same time, it also caused environmental estrangements such as damage in the environment and the loss of humanity in the human society due to materialism. As a reaction to the absence of humanity in such environment, in these modern days, design which acts as the product of public art, escaped from the previous physical functional satisfaction and stood out as the culture industry that satisfies human's sensibility.This study is focusing on the method of how such sensitive designs are expressed in the interior space of retail shops, and such methods are researched through the image evaluation test conducted to the 10 brands of overseas' jewelery shops. The purpose of this study is to analyze the meaning and effects of designs that took consideration of sensibility in a retail shop and to establish efficient marketing strategy using sensitive design and to utilize it into the interior space. |