논문명 | 종교공간에 있어서 현상학적인 빛의 연출에 관한 연구/A Study on the Effects of the Phenomenological Light in the Religious Space |
저자명 | 김미례 ; 김문덕 |
발행사 | 한국실내디자인학회 |
수록사항 | 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집 , 제 8권 2호 |
페이지 | 시작페이지(135) 총페이지(6) |
주제분류 | 계획및설계이론역사 |
주제어 | 빛 ; 종교건축 ; 현상학 ; 메를로 퐁티 ; 공간인지 ; Light ; Religious space ; Phenomenology ; Merleau Ponty ; Space perception |
요약1 | 연구 목적은 메를로 퐁티(Merleau Ponty)의 현상학적 사고를 기반으로 현대 종교공간에서 인간의 지각 체험을 극대화하는 사고를 전개하는 수단으로서 빛의 연출에 대하여 연구, 분석하는 것이다. |
요약2 | From the ancient to contemporary architecture, the light has been an important theme determining the characteristics of interior space. Especially in the religious space, the light was manipulated to express the worship for a god more than a physical element of the nature. It implied that human's space perception through the light was considered prior to the space itself. The perceptual experience in space was primarily elicited by the light with other factors, such as water, texture, and sound which temporarily renewed and updated the information of space. In this study, we critically analyzed the effects of the light which enhanced human's perceptual experience in the religious space in the view of Merleau Ponty's phenomenological philosophy. We suggested that the light was one of the most effective factors to express the characteristics of the religious space with respect to the Phenomenological Light which contributed to the continuity of time, expansion and direction of space, immaterialzation, and perceptual illusion. |
소장처 | 한국실내디자인학회 |