논문명 | 일본 소규모 노인복지시설의 복합화 특성에 관한 연구/A Study on Complex Character of Small-Scale Welfare Facilities for the Aged in Japan |
저자명 | 장예숙 ; 류호창 |
발행사 | 한국실내디자인학회 |
수록사항 | 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집 , 제 8권 2호 |
페이지 | 시작페이지(95) 총페이지(4) |
주제분류 | 계획및설계 |
주제어 | 다기능 복지시설 ; 소규모 ; 노인복지 ; 요양시설 ; Multifunctional welfare facility ; Small-scale welfare ; Facility for the aged ; Recuperation facility |
요약1 | 본 연구는 일본 소규모 다기능 복지시설을 분석하여 국내 소규모 요양시설의 기준자료가 되도록 하는 것에 그 목적이 있다. |
요약2 | Movement from aging society to aged society and to ultra aged society is a fact that we have to accept as reality. It also means that we are given a common assignment of supporting the aged. Therefore, this study dealt with forms of space of the welfare facilities for the aged in Japan that are being suggested as a plan to solve the problem of supporting the aged. Japan who has similar Confucian culture like Korea experienced the aging of population 30 years earlier and enactment of law 20 years earlier than Korea. Therefore, Korean policies, systems and standards for welfare of the aged have been following Japanese welfare development model. This study analyzed the small-scale multifunctional welfare facilities for the aged in Japan before founding them in Korea to adapt the facilities that are compatible in domestic circumstance. |
소장처 | 한국실내디자인학회 |