논문명 | 마케팅 관점에서 본 유료노인주거의 공간에 관한 연구/A Study on the Paid Residential Space for the Elder from a Marketing Perspective |
저자명 | 서유정 ; 김문덕 |
발행사 | 한국실내디자인학회 |
수록사항 | 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집 , 제 8권 2호 |
페이지 | 시작페이지(74) 총페이지(7) |
주제분류 | 계획및설계 |
주제어 | 노인 ; 고령화 ; 유료노인주거 ; 마케팅 ; The elder ; Aging ; paid residential facility for the elder ; Marketing |
요약1 | 본 연구의 목적은 향후 유료노인주거시설 시장의 확대에 대응하여 노인 주거시설의 질적 향상과 정착화를 위하여 마케팅적 관점으로 공간을 분석, 노인 주거환경을 정립하는데 있다. |
요약2 | With the development of medical technology, economic growth and increased interests in health in our society nowadays, the male and female average length of life has continued to increase. In response to the rapid aging phenomenon, diverse paid residential facilities for the elder have geometrically emerged in a short period, but compared to their quantitative increase, the kinds of facilities are not diverse and the quality of the facility environment also is not at the desirable level in comparison with the economic and intellectual level. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to analyze the residential space from a perspective of marketing and establish the residential environment for the elder in response to the expansion of the market of the paid residential facilities for the elder in the future. |
소장처 | 한국실내디자인학회 |