논문명 | 국내대형서점내의 아동서적공간 현황에 관한 연구/서울지역 대형서점을 중심으로/A Study on the condition of the chidren's facility in grand bookstores |
저자명 | 김대현 ; 한혜련 |
발행사 | 한국실내디자인학회 |
수록사항 | 한국실내디자인학회 학술발표대회 논문집 , 제 8권 1호 |
페이지 | 시작페이지(119) 총페이지(6) |
주제분류 | 이론 |
주제어 | 아동 ; 대형서점 ; 시설 ; Children ; Grand bookstore ; Facility |
요약1 | 본 연구는 대형서점들이 확장해 가는 추세를 바탕으로 양적 확장만이 중요시되고 소비자들에 대한 고려는 간과되는 점에서 현 상황 개선과 발전의 취지 아래 진행되며, 기업의 사회적,욕구 충족 측면에서 의문을 가지고 접근하고자 한다. |
요약2 | The purpose of this study is to provide basic guidelines for qualitatively advanced children's facilities and spaces in grand bookstores. The main concept is considered with a situation that grand bookstores of large corporations are increasing in quantity, but their social missions for the user are often being connived. The study is performed by research of current six domestic grand bookstores, two branches of each three large corporations, larger than 2,500py in Seoul, and the research is applied to Murtha's User Benefit Criteria as a basic format. As a result of the research, some problems to be improved are detected in ways of behavioral facilitation, physiological maintenance, perceptual maintenance, and social facilitation, therefore findings in survey turned out to be parents' dissatisfaction in many aspects. Finally, with this result, it is desirable for interior designers to reflect the indicated insufficient elements to their following children's bookstore space design for the user, children and their parents. |
소장처 | 한국실내디자인학회 |