
논문명 무대장치 테스트베드를 통한 고장예측시스템 성능 분석/Analysis of Functions of a Failure Prediction System with a Stage Set Test Bed
저자명 조현의(Cho, Hyun-Eui) ; 김동균(Kim, Dong-Kyoun) ; 김경훈(Kim, Kyung-Hoon) ; 강민석(Kang, Min-Seok) ; 신흥철(Shin, Heung-Chul) ; 강호원(Kang, Ho-Won)
발행사 한국문화공간건축학회
수록사항 한국문화공간건축학회 논문집  , 통권 제53호
페이지 시작페이지(37) 총페이지(8)
ISSN 1738-818X
주제어 무대 ; 공연장 ; 안전 ; 제어 ; 무대장치 Stage ; Theatre ; Safety ; Control ; Stage Facilities
요약2 This study developed a prototype based on an accident prevention algorithm, which was based on the analysis of potential safety accident types and various risk elements in the stage space of performance halls, to help specialized performance operation facilities prevent safety accidents. The detailed functional modules of the system were applied to a test bed environment, which was made of models as a certain stage making environment, to apply the breakdown prediction system of the prototype developed in the study. The study was also tested for field applicability and effectiveness for its detection and prediction functions in a variety of staged accident situations. The Failure prediction system was revised by correcting the problems identified in the test process and improving its effectiveness so that it would be able to reduce damage to people and property effectively when applied to actual performance environments.
소장처 한국문화공간건축학회