
논문명 LED 감성조명에 관한 기술발전추세와 전망/A Trends and Prospects of technology development related to LED emotional lighting/학술섹션 1-2 : 건축빛환경
저자명 김재훈(Kim, Jae-Hoon) ; 이규남(Rhee, Kyu-Nam) ; 정근주(Jung, Gun-Joo)
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 추계학술발표대회  , 2017
페이지 시작페이지(71) 총페이지(6)
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 감성조명 ; 발광다이오드 ; 특허 ; 기술분류 Emotional lighting ; LED(Light Emitting Diode ; Patent ; Technical classification
요약2 The purpose of this study is to grasp the technology development trend of LED emotional lighting and to understand what direction to go forward. Based on industry trend reports and technical reports, we have newly defined the technology of LED emotional lighting. In this study, it is considered that the key of LED emotional lighting is interaction between lighting device and human. Based on the research, technical classification system of LED emotional lighting was created. Patent search to analyze the status of technology development. From 1996 through 2017, we completed an investigation with 4265 valid datasets. Using data sets, we analyzed technology trends in Korea, Japan, China, the United States and Europe. The analysis shows that the ratio of intelligent lighting control technology is the highest. In addition, we have discovered three trends in technology change through in-depth analysis. The key keywords of technology trends are dimming, color stabilization, customization, and automation.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회