
논문명 고층 사무소 건물에서 연돌효과 저감을 위한 외피의 기밀성능 향상과 공조가압 적용 시 외피의 압력차 및 침기량 변화/Evaluating Pressure Difference Across Building Envelopes and Infiltration Air Flow Rates with Increased Air-Tightness of Envelopes and Pressurization by Ventilation System to Reduce Stack Effect Problems in a High-Rise Office Building
저자명 박지수 ; 유정연 ; 송규동
발행사 한국건축친환경설비학회
수록사항 추계학술발표대회  , 2014
페이지 시작페이지(51) 총페이지(2)
주제분류 환경및설비
주제어 연돌효과 ; 공조가압 ; 압력차 ; 침기량 ; 고층 사무소 건물 ; Stack Effect ; Pressurization by Ventilation System ; Pressure Difference ; Infiltration air flow rate ; High-rise office building
요약2 In high-rise office buildings, the stack effect problems may not be fully solved by architectural measures. Previous studies suggested mechanical pressurization by the ventilation system to effectively solve the stack effect problems. In this study, for an office building under construction stages, the effectiveness of different pressurization levels of floors located above the neutral level in reducing the stack effect problems were evaluated by the pressure difference across the building envelope and the infiltration air flow rates. A computer modeling and simulations were conducted using CONTAM program based on the architectural drawings. The simulation results were analysed to evaluate architectural methods and mechanical measures to draw final measures to reduce stack effect problems in the building. When applying architectural measures and mechanical pressurization together, the required outdoor air volume was 22,147m³/h and it was bound that the infiltration air was reduced by 36,941m³/h. The reduced infiltration contributed th the reduction of heating load.
소장처 한국건축친환경설비학회